Tuesday 29 October 2013

Best University buddies ever!

Yesterday night I wasn't able to blog because I came home very late (since I had classes in the afternoon).

By the way, I started my monday morning with an inspiring quote that I post on my Instagram & a cup of lemon tea with honey and two spanish rolls which were given by our neighbour tita Weng and tito Jun.


I started to workout just to finally get rid of all those fats (hahaha xD). Two days ago I started with 20 squats a day and yesterday I did 30 squats. OMG! my tights were on FIRE!!!!! Then I did some leg raises, crunches and cobra push ups. After that simple work out I started cleaning the house (just the first floor: living room, kitchen and my room).

I had lunch at around noon and then I started to prepare myself.

I look like a rocker with this look. hahahaha! xD

Here is the closer look of my eye make up:

I was waiting the bus when I heard someone calling my name. It was my classmate Linda. She was in the car with Adriana and they gave me a lift. :) I was so happy because I thought I would be late.
Adriana gave me a simple "present": a red bow bangle. She remember that I had the same style of earings that's why she gave it to me. I was really happy! <3 I didn't expect to recieve anything that day.
But it wasn't the only present of the day. Giorgia has been to Perugia for the EuroChocolate and took me a souvenir from the event: a pack of Lindt "Lindor" caramel chocolates. They really made my day! :')

I have the BEST UNIVERSITY FRIENDS EVER! :) I love them <3 <3 <3

♥ itsmeKANON

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