Tuesday 17 May 2016

I'm back!

Hello everyone!
I'm so sorry I haven't blogged anything for such a long time. I'm sorry for being MIA. I decided to focus on my studies and work for a while.

I did a lot of things last year and this year as well. Last year I organized 2 debuts and hosted 3. I started working as a babysitter for an italian family while doing/accepting freelance work as a MUA.. and I started a "baking business" (I've been collaborating with this filipina neighbor and we bake cakes for events).

I started this year with so much work: 3 birthday parties to organize, 4 parties to host, lots of cake/sweets orders... But I love being busy.

I have a lot of things to share with you all! hahaha! Are you excited?!

BTW, I'm thinking of making another blog just for my recipes and this blog will be for beauty-related posts... what do you think?

Hope all of you are doing great! See you on my next blogpost ❤


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